Architect of modern day Singapore Lee Kuan Yew dies at 91

2015-03-23 1

Lee Kuan Yew the man who led Singapore for 31 years has died at the age of 91.

The statesman is seen as the architect of Singapore’s prosperity and stability.

As a global strategist Mr Lee was quick to see the emergence of China as an economic powerhouse and how
US-Sino relations would develop as a result.

Mr Lee was both respected and admired in Beijing and Washington and balmed relations between the countries.

Hong Lei a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, explained his importance: “Mr Lee Kuan Yew was a uniquely influential statesman in Asia and a strategist, boasting oriental values and international vision. He was the builder and founder of China-Singapore relations and has long been committed to promoting mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries, making historic contributions to the establishment and development of China-Singapore relations.”

He became the first secretary general of the People’s Action Party and was at the helm for eight el