Rising Rates Of Nearsightedness Attributed To Time Spent Inside

2015-03-21 355

Researchers have identified a correlation between the rising rates of nearsightedness with the deprivation of light to the eyes through increasing time spent inside.

Nearsightedness is a growing trend around the world, with some estimating that in five years, one-third, or 2.5 billion people, could develop the condition. 

Through an examination of existing data and studies, the cause of this decline in long-range vision, also called myopia, has been traced to the amount of time kids spend inside. 

Researchers had previously linked eyesight to genetics, but changes were happening too quickly between generations for that to be the sole cause. 

The focus then turned to increased education, as societies with an emphasis on school achievement, such as those in East Asia, tend to have higher rates of nearsightedness.

But an examination of ind