Self Filmed Coyote BowHunting Deer Kill Shot Lighted Nock

2015-03-21 1

When Coyotes ATTACK your pet squirrels you must act quickly! It's a good thing for the very squirrels that were upset with me for sitting in their tree stand just a .

OMG . I Didn't even realize until just now that the doe and her fawn that the coyote was chasing before i sliced him . was watching me do it. (LOOK @ the .

October 21 2011 Lake County Illinois 7:32am. Wind W 5mph. 41 degrees.Clear, Barometer 29.93 Rising, Last Quarter 36% of the Moon is Illuminated. 2011 Self .

Exceptional footage of coyotes entering a bean field with several deer feeding. Watch as the deer make a quick exit and a prairie wolf stalk attacks a rodent for .