Spain's Europe minister: 'We are seeing the results' of reforms

2015-03-21 2

Spain is witnessing a profound shake-up of its political scene, which could have far-reaching consequences for the rest of the eurozone. In recent months, two anti-austerity parties, Podemos and Ciudadinos, have made inroads with disaffected voters.

Their popularity is such that they threaten to end the country’s once indestructible two-party system, built when the Franco dictatorship ended in the 1970s. Is Spain likely to follow the Greek route after key parliamentary elections due to take place at the end of the year?
Christophe Robeet puts these questions to Spain's Europe Minister, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo. He minimises the threat from the anti-austerity parties and insists that Spain is "seeing the results" of the reforms carried out by the government - and the sacrifices made by Spaniards.
On the thorny subject of Greece, he calls for "less declarations" and "more reforms” from Athens in order for it to achieve growth.

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