Interviews from Caracas - Bajem Tajeldine on US-Venezuela relations

2015-03-17 4

In today’s edition, international analyst Bajem Tajeldine tells host Cody Weddle that he views the tough talk of the Obama administration against Venezuela as “pathetic and absurd.” Tajeldin, who is also moderator of the Caracas radio program “Voices against the Empire,” points out that Venezuela does not wage war against people in other countries, neither does it export arms, so it is ridiculous to tag the Latin American country as a threat to the security of the United States. The only freedom United States business interests are concerned about in our country, he said, is the freedom to steal our oil. The Venezuelan government, on the other hand, supports human rights and has the support of the majority of the people. The conversation turns to possible motives for the recent U.S. aggression as well as options from now on. teleSUR