How can believers and unbelievers be recognized in this world?

2015-03-16 5

Many people ask this question, ‘If God ordains people’s destinies, and if God determines what they do, then why does He punish them and why does hell exist?’ They generally fail to understand the subject, however.

Let me say that if someone believes, then by the will of God he need not fear. If he says, ‘I exist, so who created me?’ if he has the power to fear God, then God will not harm a believer. I can say that so people will understand. They fail to grasp what kind of creatures the people of hell are. I can say that.

ADNAN OKTAR: God says that their eyes do not see. He says they have ears, but they do not hear. God regards them as having ears in terms of appearance, but those ears do not hear. He says that the eyes of their hearts are blind. He says they are like animals. He means they have no power of internal reflection. In the way that animals also lack self-awareness. He says they are even lower than animals. He says that people imagine them