The Concept of Four Khannis or types of living things with Human beings the Kings of the Creation of Yahweh - 2.

2015-03-15 15

The Concept of Four Khannis or types of living things with Human, the King - 2.

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The Fourth one is purely spiritual that does not belong to our Natural Father Yahweh but to our spiritual Supernatural Father of Souls God that has no physical self and thus free of the moral laws that bind you. This world or spiritual state is called CHITT BIRTTI and Saints and Arif belongs to this world of Spirit in which they perform Miracles, travel anywhere with or without the physical body. This is related to “SWAEDHAJHH” in which it appears and disappears at Will to help the devotees. Or in short, they have domination over the natural physical world that is under the Laws of Adam, a Noble Man. People of the Spiritual world are FREE of the moral Laws and that is why you see Nanga (Naked) Sadhus in India that wear no clothes. They are the inhabitants of the Wilderness that does not fall in the dominion of the secular world and its laws. But if they enter into the secular world of the moral laws, then they invite trouble for themselves. In India, we have KUNBHH MAELA when they are allowed into the secular world to visit Holy Places in groups. This is after Twelve years when you have Perfection in the Moral Laws that are represented by the Seven Candled Menorah of the Moral Teachers to discipline the natural men morally and Five, the control of Mind, Munn or Nafs over the Five Evils that originate from your heart; they are KAAM, immorality related purely to our physical body, KARODHH, anger displayed by men of “Ego”, the natural men representing the lesser brain of instincts only and they are not sensible enough to grasp the spiritual knowledge, LOBHH, greed in which the people are twice-born sensible through the grace of our Spiritual Supernatural Father God but they misuse it to fleece people for the treasures of Mammon whereas God gave them this gift of holy spirit to earn His Gospel Treasures by using his senses to gain knowledge of our Father God and His Royal Kingdom, MOH, the worldly attraction in which you become a ruler over the people and demand taxes for their own luxurious living and not for the comforts of people, HANKAAR, become proud of your worldly knowledge and possessions but devoid of the spiritual knowledge and the Gospel Treasures as it was displayed by the arrogant Pharisee Simon who invited Jesus to his luxurious house to test him but he himself was devoid of the spiritual knowledge or His Treasures but the Book knowledge as today these University Professors display. So, Seven of Menorah + Five of the evil spirited mind makes Twelve that Jesus picked up to make them Wise men of Holy Ghost so that they can have the knowledge of the characteristics of the once-born natural men as it was displayed by Peter and the clever psychic twice-born men who fleece the once-born for their lavish living represented by Judas Iscariot, whose mind was more inclined seeking his own glory than submitting his mind to the Will of our Father as the Rest did and they were sealed to serve God only through the Baptism of Holy Spirit, as their hearts were totally Free of the Evil spirit that Judas Iscariot possessed or they were Pure Gold with no impurities, which Jesus, the Fore Man presented to our Father at the End of His Ministry represented by offering his own sacrifice as the Lamb of God that the Temple Priests were so Crook and Evil that rendering of the Curtain of the Holiest of Holy was Justified with no spec of doubt. It was at Pentecost, Jesus Presented His Twelve Friends that worked hard in the Vineyard of our Father for appropriate Rewards with Peter being the once-born clean-hearted person with the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven that used to be with the Moral Teachers, the Rabbis but as they had become Crooks, they were given to the clean-hearted Peter who had left his family to give company to Jesus and His Companion Friends. Rabbis, the Moral Teachers of Adam used to lead the once-born people into holy works that earned them the next re-birth called re-incarnation whilst Christ Jesus came from the House of our Eternal Father and He sealed the Rest of His Labouring Friends into the Sons of Most High making them Eternal like our Father called “RESURRECTION”, which He displayed to the world at large in Lazarus, His Friend, but His Own Resurrection was shown only to his devotees, who Preached Gospel to glorify our Father in honour of Christ Jesus. Washing of the Feet of the Eleven at the End of His Ministry was a Welcome to His Friends that the proud Pharisee Simon didn’t but a devotee of God Mary Magdalene did with her Tears of Extreme Love as She found Jesus to be a Great Preacher of Gospel Treasures. Her Sister Martha was once-born and she could not appreciate the Gospel Treasures but worried about the secular affairs.

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