Bill Maher: GOP Happy to Give Gov’t Handouts — to ‘F*ckface’ Rich Kids

2015-03-15 175

After calling the Hillary Clinton email story “stupid infantile bullshit” and denouncing “politically correct assholes” with Sean Penn, Bill Maher closed out Real Time Friday night with a look at the lives of “fuckface” rich kids.

“Someone has to explain to me why Republicans believe that not working and getting free money — you know, like the ‘takers’ — is the worst most corrupting thing that could ever happen to a person, except if you’re rich,” Maher said at the top of his final “New Rule” of the night. He went on to highlight one of the first actions taken by the new Republican Congress this year: trying to eliminate the tax on inherited wealth, or as they call it, the “death tax.”

“There’s only one thing conservatives believe in more than work and that’s the God-given right of rich people to leave all their money to their kids so they never have to work a day in their lives,” Maher said. He suggested they inflict some of the “tough love” they use against poor people on their own children.

“Shouldn’t we be helping them by taxing inheritance at 100%?” Maher asked.