Luke 17v20-37:- In this Dark Age, the general Kingdom of Heaven is superceded by the Royal Kingdom of God for the pre-destined Solitary people of holy spirit, "common sense", who are masters of their own destinies and give their own accounts to God.

2015-03-14 26

Luke 17v20-37:- In this Dark Age, the general Kingdom of Heaven is superceded by the Royal Kingdom of God for the pre-destined Solitary people of holy spirit, "common sense", who are masters of their own destinies and give their own accounts to God.

The Coming of the Royal Kingdom of God

Kings rule kingdoms and they take taxes from the subject whereas in Our Royal Kingdom of our Father He gives us His Treasures Free and in abundance. No slavery but Freedom to enter our Father’s House as we like it and experience Storge Love of a Family in which there is neither giving not taking. Slave subject of a King cannot enter into the Palace of the King at will.

20 Being asked by the Pharisees when the Royal Kingdom of God would come, he answered them, "The Royal Kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed by all as the in the kingdom of heaven of the Prophets and their Rabbis, 21 nor will they say, '
Look, here it is!' or 'There!' for behold, the Royal Kingdom of God is in the midst of you within your own heart best known through the Deeds of Mercy." 22 And he said to the Brethren and NOT the once-born spiritually blind disciples, "The days are coming when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it because He comes only in the Dark Age when the Rabbis had become corrupt and inefficient. That is why Simeon desired to see the Usherer of the Royal Kingdom Christ Jesus before he dies. 23 And they will say to you, 'Look, there!' or 'Look, here!' Do not go out like a slave wife of the Rabbis or crooks or follow them blindly. 24 For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side, East, to the other, West, so will the Son of Man be in his Second coming and that was Satguru = Christ Nanak, who appeared in 1469, day. 25 But first he must suffer many things as these Mohammedans are forcing people to become Mohammedans through circumcision and Kalma of La-Ilah, no tribal father but super bastard fanatic devils as the Jews outwardly are and be rejected by this generation or the Christianity gets killed by the Anti-Christ Popes and the Robed Priests of Mammon, who blindly follow their Ruler Rabbis. 26 Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot--they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, 29 but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulphur rained from heaven and destroyed them all-- 30 so will it be on the day when the Son of Man, the wheat plants are revealed. 31 Here is the description of Atomic destruction. On that day, let the one who is on the housetop, with his goods of greed in the house, not come down to take them away, and likewise let the one who is in the field not turn back. 32 Remember Lot's wife. 33 Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it. 34 I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken and the other left. 35 There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left." 37 And they said to him, "Where, our Friend and not the Lord of Jewish corruptions?" He said to them, "Where the corpse is, the spiritually dead people as you find in the Churches praying as if our Father has left His Temple, there the vultures, the Dog-Collared Priests turning stones into bread, will gather as people from India are going into the West, Mullahs and others like Lala Bhajan Yogi Puri Khatri ."

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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