UN resolutions have 'failed' people of Syria, say aid groups

2015-03-12 88

The United Nations Security Council has been accused of failing to alleviate the suffering in Syria, in a report compiled by more than 20 aid agencies and humanitarian groups.

They say last year was the worst of the conflict so far. Three UN resolutions were passed in 2014, demanding an end to arbitrary killings and torture, and the removal of barriers to aid.

But the report’s authors say they had little effect.

“If you look across the indicators which we have analysed, there have been more killings, more bombings, a massive increase in displacement and a huge increase in the number of people that are in need of humanitarian assistance inside Syria,” said Daniel Gorevan, Syrian policy adviser at the British charity OXFAM.

Security Council members, including Russia and the US, are accused of failing to implement their own resolutions by neglecting to put pressure on warring parties to stop indiscriminate killing and improve access to aid.

‘‘Our conclusion is that the Security