Maddow To Fox's Megyn Kelly: Racist Work Emails Aren't Normal

2015-03-12 187

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow tore into Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Tuesday night for arguing that most American companies have employees who send racist emails at work.

Maddow suggested Kelly's comment, which referred to emails unearthed by a Justice Department investigation of officials in Ferguson, Missouri, revealed something unseemly about the internal workings of the Fox News Channel.

"There are 'very few companies in America' where you won't find a photo of a bare-chested group of dancing women, apparently in Africa, with the caption 'Michelle Obama's high-school reunion?'" Maddow said during "The Rachel Maddow Show."

"I don't work at the Fox News Channel, so I can't speak to what's in their employees' inboxes on a regular basis," Maddow said.

"But emails depicting President Obama as a chimp?" she continued, citing another example from the DOJ investigation. "Emails describing a man trying to obtain welfare for his dogs because they are 'mixed in color'? Maybe those kinds of emails happen where you work. Maybe my office is an outlier. I do not get those types of emails."

On Monday night, Kelly called the DOJ report "problematic" because "there are very few companies in America, whether they’re public or private, in which if you sic 40 FBI agents on the company and review every email and every document and every communication between employees, you won’t find any racist emails."