BBC Radio Bristol - Steve and Laura at Breakfast, Holocaust Memorial Day, Escaping the Holocaust - Hella Hewison's story 27Jan15

2015-03-11 2

BBC Radio Bristol - Steve and Laura at Breakfast, Holocaust Memorial Day, Escaping the Holocaust - Hella Hewison's story 27Jan15

Hella Hewison (nee Woznianski) a German Jew escaped the holocaust from Berlin & fled to Bristol in 1939 at the age of 14 yrs old. She’s now 90 yrs old.

In 1939, Hella was sent on the Kindertransport to Bristol. Her parents were murdered in the Holocaust, but Hella was taken in by a family in Knowle. She told her story of growing up in Bristol during the war, and what happened to her parents to BBC Radio Bristol's Jonathan Holmes.