Webcide.com : Search Engine for Negative Search Results

2015-03-11 7

Currently there is no search engine that shows only and exclusively negative search results about the person or company searched . People need to make their private ‘due diligence’ about a person or company , before entering any kind of relationship , business or personal , before buying or selling something , before hiring , before dating , every day, over one billion personal and company’s names are searched on Google alone , mainly for finding some negative mentioning about them .
The Webcide.com Negative Search Engine is showing you , all negative information published online about the name searched , including lawsuits, bankruptcy, legal issues , negative articles, negative comments, negative customer complaints, scam reports , fraud alerts ,negative blogs , negative forum posts , negative mentioning ,negative reviews and much more .
The negative information is available today , on search engines , buts is very difficult to find , time consuming and usually negative information appear behind page 3 of Google ,a page that usually nobody is reaching .
With Webcide.com negative search engine , in one search , all negative data about a person or company is extracted from all major search engines and public databases , and presented to you , in the most precise and accurate way .
This is a must for every cautious person that needs to learn about somebody or a company .
Before entering any kind of relationship , business or personal , before buying or selling something , before hiring , before dating , people will rely on Webcide.com Reputation Search Engine , because they will receive updated, real ,reliable, negative information about the person , directly on page one .

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