Childhood trauma named Democracy or an address to the American people!

2015-03-10 9

...I do not at all wish everything to end so sadly for you! I know the cause of the disease! You wouldn’t believe me, but when I tell you about it, you will exclaim: OH GOD, THIS IS SO SIMPLE! HOW COULD WE NOT FIGURE THIS OUT BY OURSELVES? And then you will ask: WHAT DO WE DO WITH THIS KNOWLEDGE?! WITH THIS NEW SUPER-UNIVERSAL INFORMATION?! This is the question you will for sure ask, it will go out like an angel’s song, like a question asked by an innocent child, and I will give you an answer! Now you are thinking that I am playing an American psychologist, who is very kind to listen to everybody – listen to every American to change him and the whole world, because every American knows that IF AMERICANS CHANGE – THE WHOLE WORLD WILL CHANGE! But I am not playing! Why? Because I have a great fear of not being heard!..