Arduino use a pot. A potentiometer
Displays the analogue value of a potentiometer using the serial port
To view serial port press Crtl+Shift+M
There are Linear taper potentiometer and Logarithmic type potentiometer .
For this circuit example a Linear type of is more recommended because this will return a smother Linear value over the turned range
About the Potentiometer on Wikipedia.
Demonstrates analogue input by reading an analogue sensor on analogue pin 0, (A1), and depends on the value obtained by analogRead() displays that analogue value using the serial port.
The range of values returned by the analogRead() is 0 to 1023
A sketch like this may be used to control the angle of something e.g. in a servo
To view serial port press Crtl+Shift+M
The circuit:
* Potentiometer attached to analogue input 0 (Means A0 input)
* center pin of the potentiometer to the analogue pin
* one side pin to ground the other side pin to +5V
No LED's are lit using this sketch but LED TX will flash to show that serial data is being sent when you the view serial port
To view serial port press Crtl+Shift+M
This Sketch is based on the example code "Analog Input" is in the public domain.
Created by David Cuartielles modified 30 Aug 2011
By Tom Igoe
This example code is based on the public domain.
A diagram of the circuit used may be seen here as well
This example code is in the public domain.
Arduino Leonardo Compatible
This Indiegogo crowd funding campaign started on Jul 12 and closed on August 10, 2013 (11:59pm PT).
Arduino Leonardo Compatible Code:-
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