A QuiBids Auction Won for 2 Bids, Recorded Live

2015-03-04 12

You can get Bid-Ninja for Quibids here: http://Bid-Ninja.com/for-quibids and you can see part two of this video that shows how to get 50 to 100 voucher bids using that gameplay credit here: http://bid-ninja.com/blog/quibids/get-quibids-voucher-bids-cheap-get-50-to-100-quibids-voucher-bids-for-15-or-less/

Winning auctions on Quibids requires skill, patience, information and a bit of luck. Bid-Ninja can't help you with the patience part, but it definitely will give you the information you need which helps to put luck on your side!

You have to know what is going on with the other bidders in the auction, just as this video demonstrates. You can't expect to just walk into an auction and win...I mean, it can happen, but it's highly unlikely. You need to pick your auctions wisely and carefully using the information that Bid-Ninja gives you.

It's easy to "go on tilt" and start firing bids off on any and every auction, but that is going to dig a hole in your wallet in no time flat.

Quibids is without a doubt a game of skill and you can only acquire that skill through some experience. However, that experience needs to be had while playing with something like Bid-Ninja. What I mean is, your practice will mean nothing if you're just bidding blind. It would be like a baseball player having a blindfold on swinging at pitches. He might hit a homerun, but the entire time he was "practicing" was all for not, because he didn't actually gain anything valuable.

Playing on Quibids is the same thing. If you want your practice/gameplay time to mean anything, you'll need to equip yourself with Bid-Ninja so you can see when, why & how bidders are determining when to jump into and out of auctions.