David York Atlanta Barking Hound Village Reviews
(404) 873-4960
5 Star Rating
My dog Sadie's tail always wags on our way into Barking Hound. You know that's a good sign.
An even better one, albeit sad, is that she never looks back at me to say goodbye when I drop her off for daycare or boarding.
But I'm willing to nurture my neglected-parent-wounds if it means she's so excited to go and play with the other dogs that she forgets to give me even a quick glance.
The staff is wonderful and they are extremely professional. You can tell that they get excited and happy to see your dogs as much as you are happy to have a couple hours in the day to yourself...
Barking Hound Village
777 Lambert Drive, Atlanta, GA 30324
Atlanta GA
David York founded Barking Hound Village, the first doggie daycare in Atlanta. David York has a huge heart for improving the lives of dogs in Atlanta and has been a huge and active resource for animal rescue efforts in Atlanta.
'We've had generations of customers. I run into customers daily who want me to meet their newest dog in the family. During the holidays, 90% of the cards I receive, include photos of the family dogs. They're the best!' David York Atlanta