The Stories Behind the Tweets, hosted by William Parra, seeks to open a window to the world, to get to the bottom of stories larger than 140 characters. Cuban cigar makers are known as the finest in the world, but many don’t know that special people are assigned to read to the workers as they make cigars. Odalys Lara is a reader who says that the interaction with the people is most important for her. She may read a story, a poem, or something written by a worker to entertain and educate the cigar makers. Sao Paolo is a huge city with a population of around 20 million people. Today we visit the last open public space in the downtown area, Augusta Park. A fight is underway to save the green area from voracious developers. Activists regularly organize consciousness raising activities, maintenance and cultural activities. The organization is horizontal and all decisions are made in public assemblies. In Nairobi, people from rural areas have settled in poor neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city and struggle to maintain their dignity amidst high unemployment, rising food prices, poverty and neglect. Some neighbors like the Oyoondiege family are organizing education and sports activities. teleSUR