Right-wing Northern League holds rally in centre of Rome

2015-02-28 65

Thousands have turned out in Rome for an anti-government demonstration organised by the right-wing Northern League.

The rally was called by the new leader of the party, Matteo Salvini, and immigration was a main talking point.

“I want to change Italy so the economy is able to get back on track,” said Salvini. “This is currently being prevented by Brussels and crazy European policies.”

The rally was called just
over two months ahead of regionalelections.

Some opinion polls suggest the Northern League could be overtaking the Forza Italia party of Silvio Berlusconi as the largest party of the right in Italy.

“Limited and controlled immigration is positive,” said Salvini. “But immigration through the rescue of migrants in the Mediterranean is a disaster.”

A counter rally was organised to coincide with the one held by the Northern League.

Some 35,000 people from leftist groups turned out to voice their opposition to Salvini.