How to Manage Difficult Conversations- Mediation Training - YouTube

2015-02-28 30

Mediation Training, Negotiation Training and Conflict Management Skills Training

Henry Ford said, "all I wanted was a pair of hands and I got the whole man".

No matter what your business, you’re dealing with people. Change the way your people deal with people, and your business will improve. That’s why we’re here.

Listening + Understanding = Solutions

You can master this management formula with the help of Brain Jacks Inc.

★ Listening: When two or more parties aren’t really listening it becomes frustrating, and sometimes awkward, for all.

★ Understanding: When people understand another’s point of view, it becomes a smoother transition to develop a consensus.

★ Solutions: When parties listen to each other, and understand different points of view, people can develop their own solutions.

The Brain Jacks Inc. formula offers proven strategies through:

☛ Learning Retreats
☛ Custom Training
☛ Online Courses

All of our training is accepted as continuing education credit hours at your professional association.