MV Charlotte Princess - Langara island, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia

2015-02-28 70

Tanjung Kling; Fisherman Discovers Inactive Mortar Bomb While Fishing A fisherman causes a stir in Kampung Pantai Kundur, Tanjung Kling when he brought home .

Tanjung Kling; Fisherman Discovers Inactive Mortar Bomb While Fishing A fisherman causes a stir in Kampung Pantai Kundur, Tanjung Kling when he brought home .

Salmon fishing in Canada. This is pure Adventure - specially when the Orca Killer whales diving under your small boat. Langara Island is a fishermans dream..

Filmed early Dec. 2012 - The In-Depth Outdoors crew, hosted by James Holst and Will Roseberg, heads north to Upper Red Lake in search of fish-able ice making.