Axis Capital Group Funding Review Equipment Financing On the Rise

2015-02-27 13

Grand Island, Nebraska - From machineries to office equipment, it is possible to lease almost everything for your company. 7 out of 10 companies in America are leasing their business equipment, according to facts presented by the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) and it is still on the rise.

Analysts consider it good news for US economy when in 2014, the latest survey of Equipment Finance Activity from ELFA shows that companies signed up for 9.3% more new loans, leases and line of credit to finance equipment. New business volume also grew across organizational types.

Bank Affiliated, which includes commercial banks, investment banks and multi-line finance companies, rose to 6.2%. The captives which typically provide financing for their manufacturer or equipment supplier rose to 11.3%. Independents drastic increase is up to 17.7%. These are those who directly finance the business.

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