Date and Tamarind Chutney – Imli Chutney – Sweet Chutney Recipe By Teamwork Food.

2015-02-26 620

In india chaat is incomplete without chutney which play a key role in elevating the taste of chaat. The taste of date and tamarind chutney are sweet, sour and spicy. this chutney can be had with bhelpuri, panipuri, sevpuri, dahipuri, samosa, cutlet and any types of chaat.


- Dates 200g
- Tamarind 20g (seedless)
- Jaggery 150g
- Red Chili Powder 1 tablespoon
- Coriander & Cumin Powder 1 tablespoon
- Salt to taste
- Water 400ml + 100ml


- In a pan, take the dates, seedless tamarind and water. Stir well. Cook for about 3-5 mins on medium to low flame. till dates and tamarind become soft
- Let it cool down completely
- Pass mixture through strainer or sieve and remove dates seeds
- Date and tamarind pulp is ready
- Take a pan, take date and tamarind pulp
- Add 100ml water, jaggery, salt, red chili powder and coriander & cumin powder
- Stir well
- Cook for about 3-5 mins on low flame
- Let the jaggery and the mixture thicken a bit
- The chutney is ready now. Let it cool.

Consistency of the chutney as per your choice.

Make it and store it in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Stays good for about 10-15 days.


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