Luke 16v18:- In this Dark Age of Christ, you need to be solitary for the Narrow Gate. No one can give your account to God but you yourself. These Abbotts, Pope, etc. are Anti-Christ causing riots and murders.

2015-02-26 42

Luke 16v18:- In this Dark Age of Christ, you need to be solitary for the Narrow Gate. No one can give your account to God but you yourself. These Abbotts, Pope, etc. are Anti-Christ causing riots and murders.

Divorce and Remarriage

16 The law and the prophets were until John, who had the key to the Kingdom of heaven or of Nature: since that time the Royal Kingdom of God is preached, and every man on solitary basis has to enter into it by the grace of our Father God. Because it brings you Rest or Resurrection as depicted through Lazarus, a Friend of Jesus in Gospel, every man need to seek or presseth into it. Remember that works earns you the next birth called re-incarnation. It is only the Gospel Preached in honour of Christ Jesus that Glorify our Father earns you Resurrection or Rest for your soul, the man.

18 "Everyone, the soul that left Mother and Father God to join his wife, flesh inside the womb of a woman who divorces his wife as Saul did for he was a Disciple of the Ruler Gamaliel, the physical body and marries another, makes spiritually blind Disciples as Pope and others make, commits adultery as they, the Pope, cannot give your account to God but you yourself. That is why in this Dark Age of Christ, you cannot blame a third person but yourself for suffering as these sectarian killings, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband, Pope who make a following of the blind disciples commits adultery as Gamaliel did when Saul was his Disciple and he worked against his “conscience” obeying the orders of his Ruler Rabbi. John, the Baptist was the Last Rabbi and he was Prophet Elijah, the Angel of Israel making people Salt of Earth by baptising the Jewish men in water in the name of Abraham. He Baptised Jesus in the name of Yahweh whose Priest the Rabbi was.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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