Mexicans demand the government they deserve

2015-02-25 7

In this edition: Mexicans demand the government they deserve; Indonesians unhappy with the Australian Prime Minister; and a revamped version of the Daft Punk hit "Get Lucky".

Thousands of Mexicans have been posting under the #ElGobiernoQueMerecemos keywords which translate as the government we deserve. The hashtag was created on Sunday, and inspired by film director Alejandro Iñarritu`s acceptance at the speech at the Oscar`s when his movie Birdman won Best Picture. He expressed hope Mexico "can find and build the government that we deserve". The hashtag has since started trending in Mexico with a growing number of citizens joining the social social media movement.
A lot of posts are criticizing the government. On Twitter for example social networkers are denouncing corruption among politicians, and slamming the authorities` inability to end the rampant violence across the country. Some have singled out the president Enrique Peña Nieto, saying he is largely to blame for the climate of insecurity in Mexico.
And while some are using the #ElGobiernoQueMerecemos hashtag to air their grievances with the powers that be, others are taking the opportunity to share their hopes for the future. The people who wrote these posts for example say they don’t need a perfect government; they just want their political representatives to be honest, and willing to fight for the common good.
The Mexican authorities have responded to the widespread commentary on social media with their own tweet. Posted to the microblogging site on Monday, the government says it shared Mexico’s pride and was indeed striving to build a better government.
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