- The Good News Network web site, a source of stories for many well-known dailies, including the Washington Times, carried a detailed story about you. The report, titled ‘6 Qur’an Quotes that teach love, tolerance and freedom,’ included remarks from you on the subject. The report also discussed you television program that is watched by millions of people in Turkey and the Arab world and to your book ‘Islam Condemns Terror,’ written in the wake of the September 11 attacks. The site has a large number of followers on the social media, and has been publishing in America for the last 8 years.
ADNAN OKTAR: Excellent. May God further increase His blessings upon us. May He further increase the blessings He bestows on Islam. May He elevate Muslims and bring down the unbelievers. It mentions our brothers and girl friends as the manifestation of God’s name al-Jamal [The Beautiful].