Award-Winning Upsets! - CineFix Now Roundtable

2015-02-23 17

HAPPY OSCARS WEEKEND, EVERYONE! The CineFix team gathers for one last roundtable before the Oscars. We’ll revisit some of the greatest snubs, and some of the snubs we most dread/anticipate this year. Plus, Aquaman!

From Stanely Kubrick to Saving Private Ryan, the Oscars have been overlooking great contributions for decades. And HAVE been honoring less-than-deserving films since The Greatest Show on Earth, up to Shakespeare In Love and Crash. We revisit our most indignant moments in Oscar history.

Also, there’s a new picture of Jason Mamoa as Aquaman. We show Cruz the picture for the first time, live, on camera. If you need your first look, it’s here:

What do you think the greatest Oscar snub of all time is? What do you think the big snub of this year is, or will be? What are your last-minute predictions for the Oscars? Or, are you watching this after Oscar Sunday, and would like to call us out on how wrong we were about everything? What do you think of Man of Steel, and the DC Universe’s apparent direction?

Let us know in the comments below!

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