《变形计》 X-change: 公子爸爸妙计规劝“四爷”变乖娃-Dad Uses Smart Plan To Change Naughty Kid【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20150223

2015-02-23 1

【湖南卫视《变形计2015》 - 本期精彩】 冷漠少年嫌家贫变身古惑仔打架挣钱,活宝“四爷”小鬼当家。公子爸爸妙计规劝变乖娃。
Hunan TV X-change 20150223 EP Highlight: Teenager thinks the family does not make enough money and turns into a gangster to fight and earn money. Teenager’s dad uses excellent plan to change the kid from naughty to nice.

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