“CHOTI” the story of an Eight year old girl (Najiah/Jia), who is forcefully left, by her own mother (Rasheeda) at Begum Usman’s house to work day and night and to play with Usman & Naila’s daughter Pinky. Over the period of time Jia will face problems on her own, and will be abused mentally and physically. In order to survive the vindictive nature of masters such as Noman and Sheeraz she has not only to face them but overcome the demons waiting for her outside the comforts of her home and within herself which will surely consume her soul if she proves to be weak.
The soap is about her struggle.
Cast: Qulzum Abbas, Sanam Chowdry, Syed Yasir Mazhar, Ali Sheikh, Taifoor Khan Niazi, Minhaj Askari, Syeda Yasra Rizvi, Amir Mustafa Qureshi, Salma Hassan, Uzair Ahmed Abbasi, Rehana kaleem
Written by: Rukhsana Nigar
Directed by: Ali Faizan
Produced By: A&B Entertainment