What is Online Reputation Attack caused by a negative campaigning ?

2015-02-22 13

Negative Campaigning is a sophisticated type of online offensive PR campaign employed by individuals , companies or even countries , that manipulates online information by various means of malicious news usually originating from an anonymous source , damaging the target’s online reputation .
Webcide.com is the World’s leading company in the field of Negative Reputation Online campaigning .
We provided professional services to leading politicians , businessmen and companies in USA , Canada , UK , South Africa and Australia .
Negative Campaigning can start from posting negative reviews to attempts to destroy the online reputation of entire nations . Online Reputation attacks are executed in a sophisticated and dangerous way, making sure that they destroy permanently a person or company reputation .
The target of a negative online PR campaign , is the actual damage of the reputation of the target, and the creation of direct financial losses to the target, that in the meantime gained massive negative publicity.
A reputation attack , leaded by negative PR campaigning , disrupts the integrity or authenticity of information on search results , usually through extremely negative content that alters media ,controls online news , leading to giant negative public relations.
A successful negative PR campaign , is generally seen as targeting online vulnerable companies and individuals , resulting in massive publishing of negative data that damage businesses, financial institutions, medical institutions, politicians and more . In short, a well structured negative campaign has the potential to create extreme economic damage that is out of proportion to the relatively low cost of initiating the attack.
The main question is : is it legal ? The answer is yes , its completely legal , as long as its done in legal ways , through legal means , using legal tools and platforms .
Is it ethical ? Not such much ….but take into consideration that every single big corporation is engaged in some form of negative campaigning against competitor’s products and companies .
Look what is happening between Apple and Samsung . This is one single example of negative campaigning . There are thousands to list , and we speak only about commercial negative campaigns , if you want to list political negative campaigning , it’s a never ending list .
Commercial negative campaigning is the practice of spreading negative information between an individual or an organization and the public.
The main objective in negative campaigning , is to discredit someone else, who may pose a threat to the client's business or be a political rival. Common techniques include using dirty secrets from the target, producing misleading facts to fool a competitor.
Brand equity can suffer long-term damage as a result of bad publicity campaign .
We are world's number one authority in the field of Reputation Cyber Attacks . If you are seriously interested to start a negative online PR campaign against your competitors or business enemies , we know to execute such a campaign in the most ethical , discreet and confidential way , while using only and exclusively legal methods . Feel free to contact us for a confidential consultation .

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