South Moluccas - a forgotten nation

2015-02-21 2

Title : South Moluccas - a forgotten nation.
Narrator : Benny Wong (HK)
Production by : The 4th World

Plot: in 1949 after the transfer of souvereignty from the Dutch to the United states of Indonesia (16 states). The South Moluccas were part of the East-Indonesian state, with an own government,flag and president (Tjokorda Gde Raka Soekawati,Bali). They joined the state in 1947 but were against the red and white flag, and they also had the right to detach/seperate them selfs from the Indonesian federation.

Right after the liquidation of the East-Indonesian state by Soekarno, The South Moluccan Council saw no future within the United States of Indonesia anymore and Proclaimed the Republic of the South Moluccas. After the proclamation Soekarno was mad and invaded the new styled republic. Years of armed agression by the Indonesian army, forced the South Moluccas to defend their nation. Finally in 1966 a government in exile was formed because the 2nd president (Soumokil) of the Republic was executed by Indonesia that same year. Today they seek peaceful solutions to bring their case to the United Nations. Spread the word!

Mena Muria, All for one and one for all!