SYN ZE SASE TRI - Strajerul Timpului (Guardian Time) from STAPIN Peste STAPINI (MASTER Over MASTERS) 2015) Album

2015-02-21 1

The Romanian band SYN ZE SASE TRI was founded in 2007 by Corb, inspired by the bloody history and myths of the motherland Transilvania. Focusing on the figure of the ancient warriors, the band started to compose the first songs about our ancestors, the way of the Dacian warriors and their beliefs, about their gods, their last days and their prayers. The band name itself - Syn Ze Şase Tri - means ''I'm with triple six'', but not in the satanic way; the meaning of 666 is actually refering to the supreme number, a limit between the human world and the world of the gods, in ancient mithology.