Capuchin monkey takes the show while Michael Poggi holds a common marmoset monkey

2015-03-06 6

Capuchin monkey takes the show while Michael Poggi holds a common marmoset monkey

I'm Michael Poggi welcome to Poggi's Animal House and as you can see here I've got a baby common marmoset monkey. Many you've asked about buying a pet monkey and how to have one as a companion. Well this one is in particular is called the marmoset.
Now marmosets are small and they stay small they the only get the size of a baseball with the tail that's it's only this big they don't get
this big right here this is a capuchin monkey here. They don't get this big they'd at least a small but I if you're looking for a pet monkey
for sale or a something like that where in Florida but if you're not a state we can ship went to you so it's no problem. So please let us know which state you're in and we can determine whether it would be good for you or not. So if you're looking for a baby monkey for sale please let us know like I said we can ship anywhere in United States
but definitely pet monkeys are great companions and you definitely should consider getting one because they're amazing animals I mean
absolutely very loving, very loving animals. So again my name is Michael Poggi please check us out on our website and look at the prices and the videos look at the first two videos on the homepage those videos are the ones that you'll be able to see what an adult
looks like in a second video is that what a baby marmoset looks like
just like this, so this is exactly which will be getting with the baby common marmoset there absolutely adorable and you don't get very big. Thank you very much and I hope hope we can help you!
