《我们都爱笑》 Laugh Out Loud: 活色生香剧组颜值飙高闹新春 Charming Celebrities Celebrate New Year【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20150219

2015-02-19 16

【湖南卫视《我们都爱笑》 20150219 本期精彩】李易峰变身加勒比海盗抛弃颜值玩逗比,大西轰突破演技化身卖萌帝,唐嫣上演小娇妻尖叫来袭。
Laugh Out Loud EP Highlight: Li Yi Feng becomes Caribbean pirates and William Chan acts as an adorable man. Tiffany Tang acts as a glamorous wife attracts audiences.

Laugh Out Loud is a comedy sitcom, which invites celebrities to act out four laughing series. Guests are performed without any rehearsal, so it is definitely fun to watch some real live acting. The show is already in its third series and is on air every Wednesday since February 15, 2014.

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