Could virtual body swapping reduce racism?

2015-02-19 20

Just imagine if there was a cure for racism that could help people live together without prejudice and in harmony.

Researchers from Royal Holloway University of London and the University of Barcelona think they’ve come pretty close.

Their new study shows that by using illusion techniques, it is surprisingly easy to trick people into thinking they have a body part with a different skin colour than their own, or even a different body.

Manos Tsakiris, psychology professor at Royal Holloway thinks research also proves that inducing the illusion of so-called ‘body swapping’ reduces racial bias.

They tested the participants’ implicit prejudices before and after inducing the body swap illusion.

“We want to see people’s reaction when they see a body of a different skin colour. That gives us a good way of measuring their implicit racial bias. So we can measure how biased people are for or against black people, for example. The next step will be to induce the illusion that they have