Pujya Samirdada is addressing Shraddhavans about the new event introduced during Aniruddha Pournima Utsav from that year. Jalabhishek on the idol of P.P. Bapu was done. This event had been organised at Shree Harigurugram by Shree Aniruddha Upasana Foundation.
You can also visit -
Aniruddha Pournima Website -
Watch live events - www.aniruddha.tv
Samirsinh Dattopadhye blog - www.aniruddhafriend-samirsinh.com
More information about Aniruddha Bapu -
1. www.aniruddhabapu.in
2. www.aniruddhafoundation.com
3. www.aniruddhasadm.com