Newspaper Correction Sheds Light On Obama Being The Antichrist

2015-02-18 30

An editorial in North Carolina’s Lexington Dispatch may well have gone unnoticed on a national level had it not been for a correction clarifying that Obama is not the Antichrist.

An editorial in The Dispatch, a Lexington, North Carolina newspaper, may well have gone unnoticed on a national level had it not been for a correction made by the paper.

In its initial publishing, the opinion piece was given the title ‘Is Obama the Antichrist?’

That proved problematic as it did not accurately characterize the point the writer, Boyd Thomas, was trying to get across.

He was, in fact, building a case for Obama being the predecessor of the Antichrist.

In the Bible it says that prior to the appearance of the end-all evil there will be 7 kings.

The passage from the Book of Revelation being referenced states that 5 of them had already come and gone, the 6th was living at the time of the book’s writing, and that the 7th would show up in the future.

That yet-to-appear one is who Thomas be