Train to Pakistan - By Akbar S Ahmed

2015-02-17 1

Train to Pakistan
From --
Suspended Somewhere Between: A Book of Verse
By Akbar Ahmed

Published by Busboys & Poets and PM Press

"Anyone wanting to understand Islam today must read Akbar Ahmed's collection. We are given rare glimpses into the dilemmas, pain, and despair but ultimately love and hope of Muslims through the verses of this true renaissance man."
—Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea

"Akbar Ahmed is a national treasure. Allow him to lead you through his tumultuous, thrilling life in this gorgeous collection of poems, written across five decades and three continents—a life of loss, despair, child-like wonder, and love."
—Daniel Futterman, actor (A Mighty Heart, as Daniel Pearl, 2007) and Oscar-nominated screenwriter (Capote, 2005).

"Ambassador Akbar Ahmed is a brilliant and wise authority on Islam, and now we have the chance to see what a beautiful soul he has. In these poems, we see the mix of the personal, political, historical, and lyrical. This book is deeply inspiring."
—Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, author, former chairman and CEO of CNN, and former editor of TIME magazine.