Jesus gave his sacrifice as Lamb of God to get rid of Priests encouraging us to be the Royal Priests. Therefore, these hireling Dog-Collared Priests ordained by men of letters are Anti-Christs.

2015-02-14 50

Jesus gave his sacrifice as Lamb of God to get rid of Priests encouraging us to be the Royal Priests. Therefore, these hireling Dog-Collared Priests ordained by men of letters are Anti-Christs.

Hi Brother,
In Yahweh to whom belonged the outer Temple Court in Jerusalem and He was the heavenly father of Jesus, YeShua, the first born of Yahweh, the Second Floating Adam, who was born and died on the Cross, people used to pray and fast but the Temple Priests made it a den of Businessmen selling their merchandise. The Son YeShua or YeShiva was very angry and beat them out of the Temple in that under natural tribal father, you use force to throw people out of your tribal home.
John, the Baptist was the Ideal Rabbi, Matt. 13v52 of Yahweh or Prophet Elijah and he had Disciples, the once-born natural tribal men, the sons of Yahweh and he engaged them in Prayers and fasting as the Pharisees and Sadducees told Jesus' Labourers that the Disciples of John, the Baptist pray and fast but why don't you do the same. Then Jesus replied that so far we are the Sons of the Most High Super Natural Father God whose Temple is our physical body or He lives among us when we worship Him in Truth and in spirit, then their Bridegroom Christ Jesus is with them as when we Preach Gospel, we do not say that Christ Paul Says so and so but our Bridegroom Christ Jesus to whom we are married to and unless we Eat the Flesh of Jesus or have ears to hear His Word uttered by Christ Jesus, take it to our heart, the spiritual Stomach, Digest it or ponder over it logically and Bring it out from our own Mouth in honour of Christ Jesus called Drinking the Blood of Christ, we have no Part in Jesus or not yet Grafted to the True Vine Christ Jesus sitting in the Vineyard of our Father that has Narrow Gate for the solitary like the born-blind person of John 9. Thus, the spiritually dead people of the order of the natural men, the Disciples of Rabbis who disciplined them through the moral laws and they observed sins, the transgression of the moral laws under ignorance, they used to pray to heavenly father Yahweh and fast to learn that in cheating, you make the victim go hungry and he suffers like that as you do during the fasting.
In Jesus, you need to be twice-born person of holy spirit, the spirit of man called "common sense" and unlike the heavenly demiurge father Yahweh, our living Supernatural Father God is no more alienated but He lives in His own Temple as you live in your own house, then to whom are you going to pray as he is Omniscient? Thus, spiritually blind people that employ an equally spiritually blind hireling hypocrite Dog-Collared Priest of the order of Thief Judas Iscariot as they steal money from the Church Purse at the end of the month as their salaries desiring nothing from our Father God in Gospel Treasures. Such hireling Anti-Christ Priests in Churches, the Synagogues of Satan do not know God themselves but Mammon, how could you learn from the company of such crook Priests when Jesus gave his own sacrifice as the Lamb of God to get rid of them and encouraged us to be the Royal Priests of our Royal Father God in which you receive Free and give Free as Christ Paul demonstrated. He gave to the Church and not take anything out of the Church.
Royal Priests do not need these Synagogues built by human hands but House Fellowships to ponder over His Word in which everyone has plenty of time to ask questions and ponder over the answers. If such brick-built temples were required, then Jesus would not have destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem!!!
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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