MLD Special: Sunset sings Something There

2015-02-14 70

A happy Hearts and Hooves day special for all my viewers out there enjoying not being snowed in under multiple feet of snow for the third week running. Here's an old song revamped because so many of you wanted to see Sunset's new role in a bit more detail before the new set starts. I've been hit with the writing bug and spent the last week working on my fanfics, but I promise to start for real next week!

And since I was already going in and switching out Beast's character, I thought I might go ahead and fix some other holes in the set. Let's face it, Mayor Mare has simply not stepped up her game in the later seasons. I don't feel she has the scenes necessary to play as important a character as Cogsworth right now, so I had to find someone new. And considering a certain song coming up... I may not like it much, but nopony's quite as fussy as Rarity when she's in the mind to be. Which made the newly role-less Fluttershy available to replace Mrs. Potts, which is fine. I'm a little sad that I've lost the dynamic of Sweetie as Chip, but what can I say? I'm pretty sure Beauty and the Beast was the weakest casting I ever did...

Yeah, you're missing the point. There's no throne! There is no version of this where you come out on top! Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us and maybe I do not own My Little Pony or Disney, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it!