Algerian protest shale gas, and Ivorians horrified by child abductions

2015-02-14 33

The Observers present a collaborative weekly news show produced exclusively with content provided by amateurs.

Story 1: Algeria
We begin today in the desert town of In Salah, in the Algerian part of the Sahara. Algeria depends on oil and gas for one-third of its economy, and with its gas exports falling the government has decided it has to exploit the country's vast reserves of shale gas - the world's third-largest after China and Argentina. That means fracking - a controversial technique that involves blasting underground rock with a mixture of water, sand and chemicals. The inhabitants of In Salah are worried.
The Algerian government says it's important for the country to diversify its energy sources. And they say that fracking could bring thousands of jobs to the region.
Story 2: Ivory Coast
To the city of Abidjan now, in Ivory Coast, West Africa. In the last three months, at least 25 children have been kidnapped and murdered. That has created a panic among parents. Here's our Observer Julien Appa.

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