We're back to a level with Entering in the title! Apparently this has something to do with the compiler QBSP, where it defaults the name to "Entering" whatever. Not exactly sure why QBSP does this, or if this is indeed what it does on a normal basis (I have only tested this on one or two examples). This level has a completely different name in the level select screen ("...Fini?) which makes me believe that was the intended name for this level. Well, we know Jon messed up, whoever Jon is...
This level is extremely short and sweet. The level is basically a hub with 4 rooms, each behind a Door at the start, which requires a linear progression by activating something which causes monsters to spawn; killing the monsters unlocks the next door, repeat sequence.
We get a Silver Key in this level that is necessary to beat it, but is virtually useless as it is merely used as a trigger. We never have to unlock anything with a Silver Key, but it is the only way the Ogres will spawn to unlock Door #2.
Oh, I have absolutely no idea what the Button by the Shambler does. The spawning for the Fiends is quite audible after hitting the second Button in the room, meaning that the third Button doesn't unlock any doors (nor is the cause of the secret). I am left assuming that it is pointless.
Speaking of the secret, it is pretty easy to find thankfully just due to trying to avoid 3 Shamblers. That final area is pretty brutal, I lose a great amount of Armor and Health while trying to survive. I didn't realize that the Shamblers could follow you into the Secret, meaning I was ambushed and had to take drastic measures. Luckily, the teleporting meant I was able to get the Thunderbolt and use it on the other two. I also can officially use all weapons at this point due to both missing weapons being found in this level.