Maier Files - backstory - occult spooks in world war 2 - Aleister Crowley - part 1

2015-02-11 1

The backstory of the Maier files series,

Welcome to some background information on the Maier-files series.

It is stunning the number of practitioners of the magical arts and wizardry who were involved in military and intelligence work during the Second World War. Perhaps the best known ‘occult spy’ operating in the Second World War, and in fact long before, is Aleister Crowley.

In the 1930s there is the first solid indication that Crowley was recruited by MI6 or the SIS (Secret Intelligence Service). This was to spy on German occultists with political links to the emerging National Socialist Party and Marxists revolutionaries.

One of Crowley’s possible targets was Albert Karl Theodor Reuss, the patron of the magical group the Ordo Templi Orientis. Another outstanding representative of the OTO in Germany, and controversially was later to become its Grand Master based in the USA, was Karl Johannes Germer.

In 1933 Crowley met an curious Welsh blueblood V