Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras easily won the confidence of parliament in a late night sitting on Tuesday with 162 votes. It means he has the backing for the government’s 10-point plan to replace 30 percent of its massive bailout deal.
The premier is due to meet EU officials today:
In a rousing speech Alexis Tsipras told lawmakers:
“No matter how much Mr. Samaras and Mr. Schaeuble ask us, we will not ask for an extension of the bailout… As long as we have the people on our side, we will not be blackmailed and we will not be frightened by anyone.”
But plans to revise the terms of Greece’s bailout programme have met with a chorus of warnings from European policy makers who are urging Tsipras to stick to the repayment terms..
Tsipras has his supporters and detractors:
Minister for Social Security Dimitris Stratouli said:
“We are as united as ever, we are determined to go ahead with our policy programme.”
While opposition MP Adonis Georgiadi was more cautious: “I since