《奇妙的朋友》第3期 Wonderful Friends EP3:春春海涛舌战蔬菜Boss 杜天皓差评无数负气暴走Chris Lee Kiss Animal【湖南卫视官方版1080p】20150207

2015-02-07 2

【湖南卫视《奇妙的朋友》- 20150207本期精彩】 大象盆友居然听得懂三国语言!我书读的少你可别骗我……“马黑的”是啥米?春春要给长颈鹿量身高?倪妮被大象鼻子甩了耳光?黄轩摔倒?新任务来袭,看实习饲养员们如何搞定!
Hunan TV "Wonderful Friends" 20150207 EP Highlight: Do elephant understand three different languages? In this week's show, Chris is going to measure giraffe's height, and Nini hit by the elephant's nose. Celebrities get new missions to complete.

Started from Jan.17 2015, Wonderful Friend is the first reality show in China that records the close interaction between people and animals. This is the very first self-produced show that tells how celebrities get along with animals. In order to have the best result on production, the most advance shooting technique will be used on this how. Moreover, Wonderful Friends will continue to use the same post editing team as Grade One.

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