Ignore Lenders Telling You to Default to Qualify for Refi

2015-02-06 4

http://laniganpl.com/2013/05/02/when-... (Winter Park, Florida) Foreclosure lawyer Eric Lanigan explains what often happens when banks and lenders tell homeowners to default on their mortgage to qualify for a home refinance.

Has this has happened to you? Are you documenting the conversation? Keep names, dates, times and all notes from conversations with your lender.

It's important not to work alone. You're not an attorney so be sure to work with an experienced attorney before you speak to your lender about a foreclosure action, about your home mortgage issues, about the possibility of getting a home mortgage refinance.

Your bank has attorneys and so should you.

Often, the ultimate goal is for homeowners is to remain in their homes with affordable payments towards homes with value. Upside down homes with high interest rates often lead to foreclosures that may be avoided through a refinance or a range of options.

Contact Eric Lanigan and Roddy Lanigan at Lanigan and Lanigan by calling 407-740-7379. Their office is located at 831 W. Morse Blvd., in (Winter Park Florida)