India Art Fair in New Delhi draws art-hungry middle class

2015-02-05 55

Visitors to the seventh edition of the India Art Fair in New Delhi were able to admire the works of more than a thousand different artists from all over the world.

Most of the fair’s 80,000 visitors were from India’s rapidly growing middle class, and most of the buyers were under the age of 30. Six out of the ninety booths sold out completely.

A crowd puller at this year’s event was Nandita Kumar’s booth, featuring a long scroll of paper and a drawing machine that looked like a typewriter. The artist invited participants to hand-write letters, which then became part of a performance piece in which the machine mimicked the handwriting.

“So, I invited people from all across the world to write letters with love, but love meaning how you intelligently communicate with one another,” said Nandita Kumar.

“It’s about emotional consciousness and language, the use of language. So, this scroll which you saw actually right now is where this drawing machine is mimicking all these handwriti

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