The FAA is attempting to use the pull granted to it via the current space launch licensing process to make it possible for US businesses to set up shop on the moon.
In the US, the FAA is tasked with issuing launch licenses for commercial space transportation, and according to Reuters, they wish to use this process to encourage US businesses to set up shop on the moon.
A document obtained by the news agency reveals that the Federal Aviation Agency reached out to Bigelow Airspace, a company that is developing inflatable space habitats.
In it, they announce their intention to, “…encourage private sector investments in space systems by ensuring that commercial activities can be conducted on a non-interference basis.”
According to experts consulted by Reuters, what that means is if Bigelow were to partake in the deal and set up one of their units on the moon they’d have exclusive use of that chunk of the celestial orb.
They could also take control of any surrounding land deemed rela