Radial-G (Full Game, Early Access) - 3D First Impressions (In 2D)

2015-02-03 9

This video is available in 3D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AYSzobYUOQ

We once more pay a visit to Radial-G, this time trying out the game in stereoscopic 3D on a passive monitor, trying out both nVidia 3D Vision and Tridef Ignition.

It's a good thing that the basics are working so well for this game (world depth, free of GUI issues) because it happens to be the perfect genre to be played in stereoscopic 3D! If you can't get your hands on VR, but you can play Radial-G in 3D: go for it! It's definitely the next best way to run this game!

Got a BluRay3D player with the YouTube app? Search for " radg3d " (without the quotes) and this video should show, playable in full color, all-awesome stereoscopic 3D!

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