Fill and was very successful so that being said when you're spinning our is a 20,000 RPMs and you go into the gutter perch was only placed 20 minutes ago as in our system they were they were working. With the end of the resin and conventional gutter perch at your dislodge that point because there's no tongue back on its melting the gutter perch and now the age-old question in all someone's. Accidentally using thermal fill and have to remove the thermal fill carrier water by removing that is it okay for that or the other special precautions. To to use the with a thermal fill carrier our system will remove thermal fill beautifully the only difference is that preventable crown down we take thermophilic thermal fill has a beautiful system. Is designer on the vector carrier that's a plastic with a fairly high melting point that being said if you start with that as you call it the force in her bed is a perfect description of it that person. Or tip on their allows us to rest on top of the black Vectra cut off carrier just short of the handle and we can follow that down melting it at 20,000 RPMs so we go for stiff size.